Can anyone join the club? What if I'm a beginner?
Yes! Any USU students are welcome. We have riders from all difficulty levels, and we encourage everyone to come and hang out!
What do you guys do besides ski/board?
One of the club's main goals is to bring together a community of students who are passionate about snow sports! We do events on and off campus throughout the year to socialize. We also work to make snow sports more accessible through gear and pass discounts!
How often does the club get together?
Once a month in the fall and two or three times a month through ski/board season!
Can I invite friends who aren't USU students or part of Snow Club events?
Absolutely! We would love to meet more skiing and snowboarding friends. Some events will require an entrance charge for non-members.
Where can I find the club updates and information throughout the year?
You can find us on Instagram, Discord, MyUSU, and our mailing list to stay in touch!
Does USU Snow Club have discounts for Ikon, Epic, or other passes?
Snow Club currently works with Beaver Mountain and Ikon for pass discounts.
I have other questions that aren't listed; who can I ask?
Email us at social@ususnowclub.com, or you can check the officer page to find specific officers to message.